Cost-effectiveness is modern medicine’s mantra. Put another way, when cheap solutions are found for common problems, let us embrace them.
One of medicine’s most common and vexing problems is death. It is a phenomenon with Continue reading
Cost-effectiveness is modern medicine’s mantra. Put another way, when cheap solutions are found for common problems, let us embrace them.
One of medicine’s most common and vexing problems is death. It is a phenomenon with Continue reading
“Curiouser and curiouser,” cried Alice in her journey through Wonderland. And so might we primary care clinicians, soldiering forward to stamp out disease and promote good health in a sometimes confusing world. Our mission is made more challenging when Continue reading
As all practicing clinicians know, patients often expect antibiotics when they come in with typical URI, sinusitis, otitis, or bronchitis symptoms. Clinicians understandably feel caught between a rock and a hard place. To accede to the antibiotic expectation helps patient Continue reading