We live in an age where most young people now alive have never seen illnesses that were common 50-100 years ago. The medical system’s success at eliminating or significantly reducing common and deadly childhood illnesses through the use of vaccines has Continue reading
Monthly Archives: October 2013
Experts are growing hoarse warning us about antibiotic prescribing
If you are reading this post, you have repeatedly heard the cautions about avoiding overuse and inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics. Well, the national experts who continue warning us on this topic feel they are speaking into deaf ears. Continue reading
Ode to the great toe
I am a long-time proponent of equality and long-time opponent of discrimination. In all aspects of life. Because of these strongly-held values, reinforced over 30-odd years practicing medicine, I still do not understand why certain organs are viewed as Continue reading
Exercise more, lose weight, quit smoking 10 years ago, eat more tomatoes, salmon, and stay away from processed meat – Live well and prosper
In late September, Kenfield, et.al., presented a late breaker at the European Cancer Congress in Amsterdam that associated a healthy lifestyle and diet with a 39-46% decreased risk of lethal prostate cancer Continue reading